Date: 4/19/2017, Price S$1.36, Market Cap: S$775m, PB:~1.45, Yield: 3+%
Source: QAF 2016 AR
QAF's most known brand to me is Gardenia bread. It focuses on:
A few things puzzled me after reading QAF's 2016 Annual Report, which I think QAF can improve in its report in the future:
Source: QAF 2016 AR
QAF's most known brand to me is Gardenia bread. It focuses on:
A few things puzzled me after reading QAF's 2016 Annual Report, which I think QAF can improve in its report in the future:
- Pg44, many different brands, why not consolidate into a few well known ones to leverage marketing power?
- Pg 47, Independence of Mr. Didi Dawis, Chairman who is holding 8+% shares, is considered by Nominating committee as independent because of the % is below 10%, Really independent? (in comparison, it is considered significant shareholder for >5% in CN)
- Pg 84, Advance payment to subsidiaries with no plan of repayment, why would group provision Adv. payment without a plan/expectation for return term, is that causing (at least the concern of) money to be siphoned out of the Group (if such subsidiary is not 100% owned)? The details of this Loan arrangement is surprisingly scarce.
- Segment reporting, only until Note 41. then I found such info I'm long looking for, and it is not really format friendly. Seems QAF is trying to leave it less noticed in AR.
By sectors:
Too little cost details per sector.
By regions:
It is an Australia company?!?.
There is an one-time profit(divestment of 20% of Gardenia Bakeries KL in 2016, and remaining 50% of joint-venture's fair value gain), if to normalize it by removing ~60m exceptional item, the PAT will be ~56m(or more, considering the tax impact); ROE 11~12%.
My Plan: to be updated.
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